
Affixation is the process of adding prefixes, suffixes, infixes, or circumfixes to a base word (or root) to change its meaning or grammatical function. This process is crucial in English word formation, allowing for the creation of new words and the modification of existing ones.

Types of Affixes


  • Added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.
  • Structure: Prefix + Root Word
  • Examples:
    • un- (not): unhappy, unfair
    • re- (again): redo, rewrite
    • pre- (before): prepaid, preview


  • Added to the end of a word to change its form or function, often altering the word’s part of speech.
  • Structure: Root Word + suffix
  • Examples:
    • -ness (state or quality): happiness, darkness
    • -ly (in the manner of): quickly, happily
    • -ment (action or result): development, agreement


  • Inserted into the middle of a word. In English, infixation is rare and mostly found in informal contexts or slang.
  • Structure: Prefix + Root Word + suffix
  • Examples:
    • abso-bloody-lutely
    • fan-freaking-tastic

Functions of Affixation

Derivational Affixation

  • Changes the meaning or part of speech of a word.
  • Examples:
    • happy (adjective) + -ness = happiness (noun)
    • act (verb) + -ion = action (noun)
    • kind (adjective) + un- = unkind (adjective with opposite meaning)

Inflectional Affixation

  • Modifies a word to express different grammatical categories without changing its core meaning or part of speech.
  • Examples:
    • -s (plural): cats, dogs
    • -ed (past tense): walked, jumped
    • -ing (present participle): running, singing
    • -er (comparative): bigger, faster
    • -est (superlative): biggest, fastest

Usage Prefixes

  • Negative Prefixes

    • un-: unhappy (not happy), unfair (not fair)
    • in-/im-/il-/ir-: incomplete (not complete), impossible (not possible), illegal (not legal), irregular (not regular)
  • Reversal or Removal Prefixes

    • de-: defrost (remove frost), deactivate (make inactive)
    • dis-: disconnect (remove connection), disarm (remove arms)
  • Number Prefixes

    • uni- (one): unicycle (one wheel)
    • bi- (two): bicycle (two wheels)
    • tri- (three): tricycle (three wheels)
    • multi- (many): multicolored (many colors)

Usage Suffixes

  • Noun Suffixes

    • -ment: enjoyment, development
    • -ness: kindness, darkness
    • -tion/-sion: action, decision
  • Adjective Suffixes

    • -able/-ible: readable, visible
    • -ous: dangerous, famous
    • -ful: joyful, hopeful
  • Adverb Suffixes

    • -ly: quickly, slowly
    • -ward: forward, backward
    • -wise: clockwise, otherwise
  • Verb Suffixes

    • -en: strengthen, shorten
    • -ify/-fy: clarify, simplify
    • -ize/-ise: realize/realise, organize/organise

Inflectional Suffixes

  • Plurality

    • -s/-es: cats, dogs, buses
  • Tense

    • -ed (past): walked, talked
    • -ing (present participle): walking, talking
  • Comparative/Superlative

    • -er (comparative): taller, smarter
    • -est (superlative): tallest, smartest
  • Possession

    • -’s: dog’s, cat’s