Simple Future Tense

The Simple Future Tense is used to describe actions that will happen in the future. It indicates that an event or action is going to occur after the present moment.


  1. Affirmative:

    • Subject + will + base form of the verb
      • I will go.
      • She will visit.
  2. Negative:

    • Subject + will not (won’t) + base form of the verb
      • I will not go.
      • She will not visit.
  3. Interrogative:

    • Will + subject + base form of the verb?
      • Will you go?
      • Will she visit?


  1. Predictions:

    • To make predictions about the future.
      • It will rain tomorrow.
      • He will be famous one day.
  2. Spontaneous Decisions:

    • For decisions made at the moment of speaking.
      • I will have the steak.
      • I think I will go for a walk.
  3. Promises:

    • To make promises or offers.
      • I will help you with your homework.
      • We will send the package tomorrow.
  4. Future Facts:

    • To state facts about the future.
      • The sun will rise at 6 AM.
      • The meeting will start at 10 AM.
  5. Plans and Intentions:

    • While not as common as the “going to” future for planned events, “will” can still be used for intentions.
      • We will visit our grandparents next week.
      • She will start her new job on Monday.

Time Expressions

  • Common time expressions used with the simple future tense include:
    • Tomorrow, next week/month/year, soon, later, in a week/month/year, in the future

Differences from Other Future Tenses

  • “Going to” Future: Often used for plans or intentions.
    • I am going to start a new course. (Plan)
  • Present Continuous for Future: Used for definite arrangements.
    • I am meeting my friend tomorrow. (Definite arrangement)