Future Continuous Tense

The Future Continuous Tense describes actions that will be in progress at a specific time in the future. It emphasizes the ongoing nature of the action.


  1. Affirmative:

    • Subject + will be + present participle (verb + -ing)
      • I will be eating.
      • She will be visiting.
  2. Negative:

    • Subject + will not be + present participle (verb + -ing)
      • I will not be eating.
      • She will not be visiting.
  3. Interrogative:

    • Will + subject + be + present participle (verb + -ing)?
      • Will you be eating?
      • Will she be visiting?


  1. Actions in Progress at a Specific Future Time:

    • To describe an action that will be happening at a particular time in the future.
      • At 8 PM, I will be watching a movie.
      • This time next week, she will be flying to Paris.
  2. Future Plans:

    • To indicate planned future activities that will be ongoing.
      • I will be working on my project all day tomorrow.
      • They will be staying with us for the holidays.
  3. Predicting Current Actions:

    • To predict the current actions of someone in the future.
      • Don’t call him now; he will be sleeping.
      • She will be studying at the library now.
  4. Polite Inquiries:

    • To ask about someone’s future plans politely.
      • Will you be attending the meeting tomorrow?
      • Will you be using the car tonight?

Time Expressions

  • Common time expressions used with the future continuous tense include:
    • At this time tomorrow, next week, in the future, soon, later, in two hours, at 5 PM

Differences from Simple Future Tense

  • Future Continuous: Focuses on the ongoing nature of an action at a specific time in the future.
    • I will be reading at 9 PM. (Emphasis on the activity in progress)
  • Simple Future: Describes a complete action that will happen in the future.
    • I will read the book tomorrow. (Emphasis on the completion of the action)