
Tense indicates the time when the action or state described by the verb occurs.

Types of Tense

There are three primary tenses in English:

  1. Present Tense: Actions or states happening now or generally.
  2. Past Tense: Actions or states that happened in the past.
  3. Future Tense: Actions or states that will happen in the future.

Tense with Aspects

Combining it with Aspects, each tense can have 4 different forms which help us to convey a detailed picture of when an action occurs and its nature or duration. Here is a breakdown of each combination:

Tense Aspect Description
Present Simple Habitual actions, general truths, or states
Continuous (Progressive) Ongoing actions happening now or around the present time
Perfect Actions that happened at an unspecified time in the past or that began in the past and continue to the present
Perfect Continuous Actions that began in the past and are still continuing or were recently completed
Past Simple Actions that were completed at a specific time in the past
Continuous (Progressive) Ongoing actions in the past, often when another action occurred
Perfect Actions that were completed before another action in the past
Perfect Continuous Actions that were ongoing up to a point in the past
Future Simple Actions that will happen in the future
Continuous (Progressive) Ongoing actions that will be happening at a specific time in the future
Perfect Actions that will be completed before a specific time in the future
Perfect Continuous Actions that will be ongoing up to a point in the future